Temporarily Nullifies Attunements and reduces enemy Damage. Can be overlapped but effects won't stack.
When fused, this defense will cause fusion damage to deal 10% more damage to rift enemies within the Strength Drain Aura.
- Strength Drain - This may be increased by upgrading the defense, or increasing the hero's power stat.
- Effective Range - This may be increased by upgrading the defense, or increasing the hero's range stat.
- Max HP - This may be increased by upgrading the defense, or increasing the hero's fortify stat.
- The strength drain aura caps out at 80% strength drain.
- In order to repair the strength drain aura, it is recommended to switch to the top-down view (by clicking on the Camera Toggle key while building; default key is "T" on PC), otherwise repairing the ensnare aura will require you to position your repair cross-hair over the green aura icon.
- You can unequip your gear and place auras closer together and have them stack after you re equip your gear but the effect will not stack.
- You can resize this towers with ctrl + mousewheel.
- You can lock in the range after placement in the options under "Gameplay -> Defenses -> Rotation/Range After Placement".
- You can lock in the range after swaping in the options under "Gameplay -> Defenses -> Rotation/Range after Swaping".
- You can change the speed to resize in the options under "Gameplay -> Defenses -> Keyboard Range Speed 1 - 10".